Monday, 10 March 2014

Bernard The Bird With Background Music Draft 1!

As i now have the first fully competed version of Bernard with the story and editing, all it needed was some sound. Choosing music for this was extremely hard and i had been searching around YouTube for ages trying to find some appropriate music that was happy and upbeat and then some music that was sad but still upbeat 

I came across this Ukulele music when searching around and i got an images of the bright country side in my head. Because of that i new it was perfect for Bernard as that was the exact imagery that i wanted to portray. The sad music was very had as sad music is normal very depressing and slow in tempo. As Bernard is meant to be happy all the time, but the music is only there to represent bad things happening i wanted it to be still upbeat. I finally found some music that was do for it and lucky there was an instrumental version of it as well.  

I am well aware that the sounds in this are not perfect, but for a first effort i don't think it was to bad as the sounds fit well to help tell the narrative better. The things that i am going to do for next time is add in some more sound effects such as whistling noise and yawns. Some other things that need changing is the volume of the music at points. Its hard to notice but the sounds are actually at different volumes because when i was experimenting with sound i wasn't sure what i was doing. But on a hole i don't think that there is that much to change and i should have the sound done soon. 

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