Saturday, 29 March 2014

My Film Poster In The Real World!

I have decided to put my poster over the top of where true film poster used to be to give example of how my poster works and looks. I think that my poster does work quite well as it does look tack mixed in with all of the other film posters.

Friday, 28 March 2014

'Bernard the Bird' In Response To My Audience Feedback!

The reason that i have put this as my second complete draft is because this is a response to my audience feedback. From the comments they have made about the music transitions, i have re-looked at all of the music in my animation. 

The changes that i have made in this draft are, I have completely removed the opening scene sound track and replaced it with the catchy happy tune i have all the way through my animation. I have also looked very carefully at all of the music transitions and made them more gradually in response to the feedback.

I do like the change that i have made, however there is one thing that i do not like. This is the music at the beginning. Because i have replaced the opening scene music with the happy music already in the animation. The opening scene and the first scenes music now clash making the sound seem very repetitive. So what i will be doing is putting the sad music for the second scene instead as that scene is sad anyway. 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Completed 'Bernard the Bird'!!

After 5 months of working on creating this short animated film, i finally have my first completed draft with music, some sound effects, editing and end credits. The process of making this short film has been very educating for me as i have learnt many new skills such as gaining many new skills in Photoshop, Flash Professional, After Effects and Premier Pro. These skills will be very help full for my in the future as i aim to go into animation at university.
From looking at the start of this project were i just have a few simple pictures on my story bored and developing that into this final outcome that i have now has been my favorite part about this projects and knowing that everything you see on there (except the music) is fully my own work that i have drawn in Photoshop from my head. 
I really hoped you have enjoyed 'Bernard the Bird' and feel free to leave me any feedback you may have!

Monday, 10 March 2014

Bernard The Bird With Background Music Draft 1!

As i now have the first fully competed version of Bernard with the story and editing, all it needed was some sound. Choosing music for this was extremely hard and i had been searching around YouTube for ages trying to find some appropriate music that was happy and upbeat and then some music that was sad but still upbeat 

I came across this Ukulele music when searching around and i got an images of the bright country side in my head. Because of that i new it was perfect for Bernard as that was the exact imagery that i wanted to portray. The sad music was very had as sad music is normal very depressing and slow in tempo. As Bernard is meant to be happy all the time, but the music is only there to represent bad things happening i wanted it to be still upbeat. I finally found some music that was do for it and lucky there was an instrumental version of it as well.  

I am well aware that the sounds in this are not perfect, but for a first effort i don't think it was to bad as the sounds fit well to help tell the narrative better. The things that i am going to do for next time is add in some more sound effects such as whistling noise and yawns. Some other things that need changing is the volume of the music at points. Its hard to notice but the sounds are actually at different volumes because when i was experimenting with sound i wasn't sure what i was doing. But on a hole i don't think that there is that much to change and i should have the sound done soon. 

Sounds For The Animations!

Opening Music:

Background Music:

After watching countless amounts of different music tracks on YouTube, I have finally narrowed it down to these three tracks to be used in my animation. The top piece of music is going to be used for the opening scene. I have decided to give the opening scene a different piece of music compare to the other pieces of music that are going to be used in the animation because I wanted to make it clear that this is the opening scene and not part of the narrative. 

The second piece down was my favourite piece of music out of them all. This was a very difficult piece of music to fine as I wanted a happy, upbeat music but not to distracting to the narrative. When I came across this, I new it would be perfect for the target audience and it fits in with my animation. It is played from a Ukulele and is played at a fast tempo giving it a very upbeat and happy feel to my animation. 

Then we have the third piece of music. This one was the hardest one out of all of them to find. This was because I was looking for an upbeat tempo music but I needed it to still be sad at the same time. Eventually I came across this. This originally has lyrics for it but this is the instrumental version for it. From what I can tell it is played on a guitar so it has an upbeat tempo to it but at the same time it still sounds sad.