Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Jock Scene Background!

The third background in my short animated film is the scene for the jocks. I decided to base this scene with a house in it because i wanted it to represent a frat house you would find in America. The other key features that i decided to add into the scene was a football field, or the football post and score board to represent the the football field, and the telegraph poles as that's where the animation will be taking place on. 

When i first started to create the image on Photoshop i didn't realizes how complex drawing a house was going to be. For example, all the bricks on the house were individually drawn and shaded to give it a realistic look. I then had to place them in appropriate positions and shade them were needed to make it look like its meant to be more stuck out then the rest. After i had done that and drawn all the key feature of the house i then realized that the frame positioning was all wrong and the house on my drawing took to much of the frame up and it looked wrong. Therefore i decided to enlarge the house and place it further off the frame. This seemed to work and it made the framing of the stage a lot more even and better then it did on my drawings. 

After that i then added in the telegraph poles. These are the same telegraph poles as the ones in the opening scene as it didn't seem worth wasting more time redrawing them when there are only in one scene for 30 seconds. But if i do get some spare time i may go back and re-drawn them anyway.

Like in all of my scenes so far there is some sort of fence in the background filling up the background space to make the scenes more exciting. For this scene i wanted to uses a hedge as i thought that this would be an easy thing to create and look visually good. But i was very wrong. Creating this hedge was very hard to do as i couldn't get the correct texture of the hedge and it just looked like a a solid mess. After playing around with the settings on Photoshop and lots of trial and errors i finally came to a hedge that i was happy with and decided to keep it  

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